"Cabaret" is a captivating musical that transports audiences to 1930s Berlin, where the vibrant Kit Kat Klub serves as a backdrop for a tumultuous love story. American writer Cliff Bradshaw navigates the city's hedonistic nightlife and forms a complex relationship with the charismatic Sally Bowles, a performer at the club. Against the backdrop of rising Nazi influence, their romance unfolds amidst a cast of colorful characters, including the enigmatic Master of Ceremonies. As the political climate grows increasingly oppressive, the characters grapple with their identities, desires, and the harsh realities of a society on the brink of collapse, making "Cabaret" a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the human spirit.
Playing June 5th - June 23rd
Wednesdays-Saturdays - 7:30pm Shows
Saturdays & Sundays - 2pm Shows as well
Date and Time
Thursday Jun 6, 2024
7:30 PM - 9:45 PM EDT
Playing June 5th - June 23rd
Wednesdays-Saturdays - 7:30pm Shows
Saturdays & Sundays - 2pm Shows as well
Mill Mountain Theatre
Trinkle MainStage
1 Market Square SE
Roanoke, VA 24011
(inside Center in the Square)
Contact Information
Chris Tucker
Send Email